Fresh Tomato-Basil Bruschetta

 After traveling to Tuscany a few years ago and tasting fresh bruschetta, I decided to update an older blog post I had of this flavorful appetizer. It's such a great way to use the plethora of cherry tomatoes from our summer garden. The key to really good bruschetta is to use flavorful, preferably home grown sweet tomatoes as most of the cherry tomatoes in the supermarket are so bland unless you buy the brand called "Flavor Bombs". Sweet cherry tomatoes or finely diced heirloom tomatoes, combined with basil, garlic, and a good olive oil capture the essence of Italy. This classic combination of fresh ingredients reflects the Italian philosophy of simple is better. One taste, and you’ll feel like you’re dining in the heart of Tuscany!

Tomato-Basil Bruschetta

1 overflowing cup of finely diced sweet cherry or heirloom tomatoes

1 large or 2 medium garlic gloves finely minced or pressed.

6 basil leaves finely chopped.

1.5 T olive oil

salt to taste

This is so simple to make. Just combine all the ingredients and put into a small bowl, surrounded by panetini crisps or slices of a crusty baguette, even better if you brush the baguette slices with olive oil and lightly grill or lightly toast under the broiler. Spoon on to the bread or crispy panetini and enjoy!
