Sweet, Sour, and Salty White Sauce for Fish

Four simple ingredients: sour cream, maple syrup, lemon, and salt make a delicious white sauce for fish. Now white sauce on white fish isn't particularly eye pleasing, but it is a superb sauce for white fish such as flounder, haddock, cod, halibut, etc. The combination of sour cream and lemon (sour), maple syrup (sweet), and sea salt (salty) make a palate pleasing combination! The combo is: 5 parts sour cream, 1 part maple syrup, 1 part lemon juice , and enough salt to taste. The recipe below is enough for two servings of fish:

Sweet, Sour, and Salty White Sauce for Fish

5 T sour cream
1 T maple syrup
1 T lemon juice
just enough salt to taste salty

Mix all of the above together. Keep at room temperature. When fish is done (preferably broiled or grilled), spoon sauce over the top and serve. Or, even better, remove fish just before done. Spoon sauce over fish. Top with buttered bread crumbs. And place under broiler until bubbly.
